‘Unskewed Polls’ Creator Says Obama Stole Election

var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Dean Chambers, the man who created “Unskewed Polls” to “right” all the other pre-election polls that “wrongly” showed President Obama winning re-election, now — perhaps to “prove” he was right all along — claims Barack Obama stole the election, and he’s created a new website, BarackOFraudo.com, “exposing how they stole the 2012 election.”

Chambers, regular readers will remember, is also the man who attacked Nate Silver, the famed, gay,  FiveThirtyEight statistician who correctly predicted every state in the election.

READ: It Doesn’t Matter Nate Silver Is Gay. It Matters America Knows He Is.

“Silver could easily be the poster child for the New Castrati in both image and sound,”Chamber wrote, before apologizing. “Nate Silver, like most liberal and leftist celebrities and favorites, might be of average intelligence but is surely not the genius he’s made out to be.”

Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia were all “won by Obama Fraud,” Chambers claims.

“I’m getting credible information of evidence in those states that there enough numbers that are questionable and could have swung the election,” Chambers told Slate’s Dave Weigel, adding:

“I’m only putting good credible information on there, like the actual vote counts, reports, and mainstream publications reporting voter fraud. There’s a lot of chatter, though. There are articles people have sent me that don’t hold up. Crazy stuff.”

Weigel continues:

“Things like the 59 voting divisions of Philadelphia where Romney received zero votes,” says Chambers. “Even Larry Sabato said that should be looked into.” (I’ve looked into this: 57 precincts gave McCain no votes in 2008. There’s such a thing as a 99% Democratic precinct, and such a thing as a 99% Republican precinct.) Same story in Ohio. “Some of the precincts or divisions in cleveland were projected to be 99% Obama. That’s a part of the state where it’s known that a lot of ballot box scamming has been done in the past. There were isolated reports of people voting for Romney and having votes changed, though they didn’t get much attention.

What about Virginia, then? “When votes were being counted on election night, 97% of the precincts were counted, and Romney was still leading 50-49,” says Chambers. “When that remaining 3% were counted, a lead of 80,000 or so votes for Romney were turned into 120,000 for Obama.” I pointed out that Virginia’s stagger-stop-stagger count often works like that, with Democrats gaining in the end. “I was surprised it wasn’t being projected for Romney when 97% was in,” said Chambers. (The state was actually called earlier based on vote patterns.)

The right will never be satisfied.

Claim Obama is a Kenyan? Demand his birth certificate. Get his birth certificate, claim it’s a fake. When that gravy train hits the end of the line, claim Obama’s gay. When that proves ludicrous, claim Obama stole the election.


“A fact (derived from the Latin factum, see below) is something that has really occurred or is actually the case. The usual test for a statement of fact is verifiability, that is whether it can be proven to correspond to experience. Standard reference works are often used to check facts. Scientific facts are verified by repeatable experiments.”

Except in RightWingOLand…

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