“Thugs At Planned Parenthood” Are “Bullying” Susan G. Komen Says Fischer

Bryan Fischer, the public face of the SPLC certified anti-gay hate group, American Family Association, today said, “What we need: anti-bullying legislation to protect organizations like Komen from the thugs at Planned Parenthood,” via Twitter. It’s just one more perfect example of how Fischer mocks and marginalizes minorities, the poor, the needy — all in violation of his so-call “Christian” beliefs — and attempts to portray them as violent and operating outside the law.

Ironically, of course, Bryan Fischer himself here is the real bully.

For those not familiar with Fischer, here’s a small sampling of his “work.”

Last month, Fischer falsely claimed, “in the homosexual community, the average homosexual has hundreds of sexual partners over the course of a lifetime. Hundreds. Some of them have between 500 and 1000 and there are any number of homosexuals, and they admit this in their own literature, have more then a 1000 sexual partners.”

Fischer also last month dangerously stated that Magic Johnson being alive for 20 years after his HIV diagnosis is “confirmation” that HIV does not cause AIDS.

Bryan Fischer has said gays are Nazis, suggested that millions of Americans contracted HIV/​AIDS because of the existence on Congressman Barney Frank, gays are not born gay, the Tea Party ended slavery in America, gays are a threat to national security, public health, and that traditional marriage is necessary for US survival.

Fischer has also claimed the same hate, vitriol, and anti-​Christ spirit is at work in Islam and in the “homosexual agenda,” that Chaz Bono, “is a surgically-​mutilated female,” and has said, “Let’s have a state law that provides some kind of fine for anyone who has unprotected homosexual sex.”

He’s called for the re-​criminalization of homosexuality in every state, said homosexuality “is a death sentence, it’s not a lifestyle, it’s a death style,” and claimed California is going to have a hard time fulfilling SB 48 because “by definition,” gays cannot be role models.

Fischer tweeted that the Norway terrorist would have made a good Muslim but a bad Christian, said, “Hitler hiomself was a homosexual,” and “we cannot have the homosexual agenda and liberty. Those two things are incompatible.”

Bryan Fischer claimed criticism of and Marcus and Michele Bachmann over the practice of “ex-​gay therapy” is both religious bigotry and a hate crime, he’s said, “homosexual bigots commit hate crimes,” and “Christophobic gay activists” want to “continue a campaign of threats, harassment….”

Fischer says “homosexual activists” who attack him for his hate speech and lies against the LGBT community are committing a “hate crime,” he’s said, “fidelity in same-​sex relationships is virtually unheard of,” and claims the Nazi Party was formed in a gay bar in Munich.”

Fischer also claimed that once DADT is repealed, neither gays nor straights will sign up for the military, forcing a draft, said that Christian military officers are about to become victims of “systematic hate crimes,” by gays, and “the homosexual agenda is just like Islam.”

And all that’s just since May of last year.


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