‘The New Normal’ Makes LaBarbera Lament There Are No ‘Healthy, Contented Ex-Gays’ On TV

NBC’s new TV show, “The New Normal,” which premieres tonight, is making hate group head Peter LaBarbera “depressed,” as he laments that Hollywood has yet to have “a healthy, contented ex-gay in a movie or a TV show,” while not mentioning that “ex-gay therapy” has been called harmful by major medical organizations.

LaBarbera, who runs the SPLC-certified anti-gay hate group Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, talked with radical right wing radio host Janet Mefferd about “The New Normal,” and Brian Tashman at Right Wing Watch published the audio and this transcript:

Mefferd: Peter let’s talk a little bit about this TV show that is coming out, I’m sure a lot of people that are listening right now know about it, it’s premiering on NBC tomorrow night, it’s called “The New Normal,” which I find a little ironic considering it’s premiering on 9/11 and everybody always talked about ‘the new normal’ after 9/11, it’s kind of a bizarre coincidence. Tell us a little bit about this TV show, what do you know about it?

LaBarbera: Well first of all I’m depressed because it stars the guy who was the sidekick in National Treasurer, the Nicholas Cage movie, which was one of my family favorites and he plays a homosexual in the TV show “The New Normal.” It’s about two gay guys who want to adopt a child, I’m sorry want to have a child by inseminating a woman, so they’re interviewing in the trailer, the two gay guys are interviewing the woman who will bear their child. Of course it’s extremely manipulative, they ask her why they want to carry a child that’s not yours, and she says she looked out and she saw a lesbian couple being yelled at by a homeless woman and she thought it was just like another family, so even in the trailer you can see the incredible propaganda that we’re going to be subjected to in this movie. What’s most shocking about it is it’s just so out in the open now that NBC can be doing heavy duty promotion of a TV show that’s built totally around the idea of two homosexual men adopting a baby, is that really ‘the new normal’ for America in 2012? It’s shocking.


LaBarbera: It’s all about manipulation and Hollywood has been doing this for so long and there’s no issue that they do it more on than the homosexual issue. When is Hollywood ever going to have a healthy, contented ex-gay in a movie or a TV show? Not a caricature, not the miserable, struggling ex-homosexual sort of like I guess, I’m tempted to say Alan Chambers, who is still gay or they are acting like they are gay and they are starting to adopt gay activism. I’m talking about a fully happy, contented former homosexual. Will it be decades before we see one of those on TV?

[bolding mine]

Tashman notes that “Exodus International president Alan Chambers… recently lost support from Religious Right activists after admitting that ‘99.9%‘ of people who have tried to change their sexual orientation have failed to realize such a conversion.”

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What Peter LaBarbera Will Never Understand

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