‘The most honest three and a half minutes of television, EVER…’

Aaron Sorkin is a genius. He created The West Wing and a host of some of the greatest moments in TV and film celebrating what tugs at the heartstrings of Democrats, liberals, and progressives. Frankly, I have no idea what Republicans, Tea Party wing nuts, or conservatives feel when they watch some of his greatest moments, but I know what I feel.

For instance, this, the somewhat-edited but awesome, excellent, and honest opening scene from Sorkin’s new HBO series, The Newsroom.

Sorkin is “an Academy and Emmy award winning American screenwriter, producer, and playwright, whose works include A Few Good Men, The American President, The West Wing, Sports Night, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, Charlie Wilson’s War, The Social Network, and Moneyball,” writes Wikipedia.

Buzzfeed compiled “The Ten Best Aaron Sorkin Rants,” which I highly recommend. Below, four of my favorites, including the full, unedited opening from The Newsroom.

Bonus heartstrings puller: behind Jeff Daniels, who is that in the huge photo?

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