“Slippery Slope” Leads To Win For Homosexual Penguin Agenda

North Kansas City, Missouri man John Dixon is ushering in the Holidays knowing that children everywhere – or at least in his home town – are in danger. Holloway says, “We are naive if we say this is just a book about penguins, because it’s not.” What book? Why, “And Tango Makes Three,” by Justin Richardson (an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Columbia and Cornell) and Peter Parnell (a playwright and co-producer of “The West Wing.”) The hardcover sells for $11.55 at Amazon.com. The book is also available in Spanish.

Via The Pitch:

In a 3-2 decision, the North Kansas City school board denied Dixon’s request that the story And Tango Makes Threebe removed from circulation at all North Kansas City schools. The book is based on the true story of two male penguins at New York’s Central Park Zoo who live together as a couple — and raise a healthy young chick from an egg — as a functioning family unit.

Take a minute to look at these penguins. They can’t fly. They’re abnormally sized. Don’t they look just a bit (ahem) queer for birds? Notice the evening-wear look, just a bit sleek and fashionable? Now read your Bible. Go ahead, we’ll wait a second. Did you see any mention of penguins? No. And we all know what that means. Penguins are not natural animals. They were genetically engineered by the Obama administration and retroactively inserted into our memories via H1N1 vaccines in a sinister attempt to make our children in gay birds.

The rest of the piece is equally amusing. Go read it. Happy Holidays.

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