“Race, color, male or female, is not a choice but natural origin, and on the other hand, sexual orientation or preference is a personal choice.”

The Editors at MyCentralJersey.com, despite my post, “Anti-Gay Marriage Letters To The Editor: How Many Is Too Many?” and my Letter To The Editor have decided to continue along an unethical route. What else could one call a local newspaper who has decided it will print any and every anti-gay marriage letter it receives, regardless of content, or facts?

“Race, color, male or female, is not a choice but natural origin, and on the other hand, sexual orientation or preference is a personal choice.”

That’s what the latest Letter To The Editor, “Don’t compare gay marriage to civil rights,” in part, states.

Its author, Bill Thompson, continues with,

“There is nothing illegal concerning gays in civil unions having the same benefits as married people but the marriage estate itself is a sacred institution created by God and should forever remain that way.”

Need I say more?

(By the way, Mr. Thompson’s “thoughts” are easily debunked, here.)

These are not the intelligent musings of the local citizenry, applied to current legal or social issues. These are the religious rantings of a reader. And religious rantings have no place in a local newspaper.

It’s time to hold the feet of the Editors of MyCentralJersey.com to the fire.

It’s time to say, enough is enough.

It’s time to hold them accountable and demand they act as a responsible publishing entity, or stop visiting their site and stop buying their papers.

This is not a freedom of speech issue. This is an issue of responsible journalism. Something that seems to have escaped the grasp of these editors.

It’s time they remembered the titles on their desks, and their responsibility to their community, and to journalism itself.

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