“Of course there is room for homosexuals in conservative politics, provided that they do not require us to accept their lifestyle choice as normal or acceptable.”


So writes a reader to my post, “Is There a Place for Gay People in Conservatism and Conservative Politics?

And it so perfectly encapsulates how conservatives view gays: “Give us your money and votes, but shut the hell up.”

So, gay Republicans, open your ears, and close your wallets.

Meanwhile, it seems the gay Republicans can’t hear the drums — or see the daggers — behind their backs. Here’s the perfect example:

At CPAC on Friday, Rep. Mike Pence said, “Marriage must be defended in the Congress, in the courts, and if need be in the Constitution of the United States.” I have the audio here, feel free to listen.

And yet, a gay Republican blogger, GayPatriot, on his blog, refuted that very statement. He was there at CPAC. He heard Pence speak, but couldn’t truly hear what Pence actually said.

On GayPatriot’s blog post, “CPAC -Day Two,” a commenter writes, “Did it bother you gay conservatives that in his speech Pence thundered his endorsement for a constitutional amendment to make gays second-class citizens?”

GayPatriot responds, “You will have to send me that video. I watched Pence’s speech and I did not hear those words spoken.”

Of course he didn’t. Because conservatives are zero-sum, zero-interpretation, zero-thought, and hear and see what they want to.

(Don’t believe me? Look at the conversation over at the post, “Bigotry and Bumperstickers: “Real Men Marry Women.” Conservatives there are actually denying exact bible verses, and claiming Liberals are ignorant and that he bible never said you can’t eat shrimp, wear poly-cotton blends, work on the sabbath.)

Again, Pence says, “Marriage must be defended in the Congress, in the courts, and if need be in the Constitution of the United States.”

“…in the Constitution of the United States” means a constitutional amendment. What else could that possibly be? And Pence has supported a federal ban on same-sex marriage before. How much more evidence does anyone need?

Again, Conservatives HEAR what they want to hear. Gay Conservatives are equally guilty, and, respectfully, even worse, because the ones I’m watching are more interested in being accepted by the Right than in making demands on their own party.

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