“Obama A Socialist” GOP Rep Now Suggests Obama Is A “Domestic Enemy”

Despite the countless hours I spend crafting excellent editorials and news stories, you’ve decided that a disgusting tweet by GOP Rep. Paul Broun, made during Obama’s State of the Union was the hottest thing here today. OK. Two can play at that game!

I give you Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) on camera, talking about his tweet to Obama: “Mr. President, you don’t believe in the Constitution. You believe in socialism.”

Rep. Broun tells CBS that he believes being a Congressman should be a part-time job because he believes in what he calls “original intent” of the constitution: taking the words of the document at face value. Of course, that means we’re back to slavery, women can’t vote, and so on, but hey, who cares, right?

“I stick by that tweet,” the Georgia Congressman says.

Rep. Broun refused to attend the State of the Union, instead hanging out in his office and watching it on the TV.

“What screams ‘socialism’ to you?” CBS asks. “Everything he does.”

Oh, and he won’t deny calling Obama a “domestic enemy.”

There you have it folks. Another Michelle Bachmann freak.

Pretty sure this guy could be one of the the top ten jackasses in Congress. That’s what you get for calling my president an “abject failure,” a “socialist,” and a “domestic enemy.”

Oh, by the way, he’s a member of the Tea Party. Big surprise.


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