‘Not Caring About What Happens To Gay Men Is Like Not Caring About Prison Rape’ Says Ruse

Welcome to the wonderful, magical world of Christian anti-gay hate. Austin Ruse spoke just last week in Washington, D.C. at an anti-gay hate symposium that glorified Russia’s war on gays. You’ll remember it as the World Congress of Families event that was canceled once Senator Mark Kirk learned who the WCF was — only to be given a new home immediately by Speaker Boehner.

Ruse, who is the head of the “Christian” anti-gay hate machine known as C-FAM, an occasional blogger at Breitbart, has some ugly thoughts about LGBT people.

Consider his opening line of “The Real Lives of Gay Men,” his latest op-ed in Crisis:

“Not caring about what happens to gay men is like not caring about prison rape.”

Of course, he only says this out of Christian love.

Prisoners are our brothers, too, and so are gay men. We must care deeply about the abuse of our brothers in prison and we must care deeply about the lives led by our gay brothers.

Ruse says Americans don’t think about prison rape because it “seems a world away from us…yet it is rampant, dehumanizing and deadly dangerous.”

In the same way, we avert our gaze from the lives led by gay men. Certainly ignoring the lives of gay men is what the paladins of the gay movement want us to do. If others peek behind the curtain of the white-picket-fence-homosexuality they have built up for public consumption, support for the movement would wither and probably die.

Or, so he wishes.

But look we must, particularly since we are being asked to consider that homosexuality is on par with heterosexuality, that same-sex marriage and opposite-sex marriage can be the same, that gay sex can in fact be spousal.

Ruse (see GLAAD’s page on his hate and false ideas) goes on to claim that gay men cannot form and maintain sexually monogamous relationships.

To “prove” this, he points to a few gay men who have written about their frustrations with not being able to find sexually monogamous relationships, as if their anecdotal experiences are our community’s fault.

One even “got an AOL subscription and wrote a profile describing himself ‘as a conservative Catholic … who loved classical music and theater and good books and scintillating conversation about all of the above.’ He said he wanted to meet other homosexuals like him for ‘friendship and romance.’ Within minutes the first response he received was ‘How many inches?’ And it went downhill from there.”


An AOL subscription?

How many decades ago was this?

Another man cites a “most rigorous” study — from 1987 — in a book, Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth, published in 1996. Quotes in his op-ed also appear in a book, The Male Couple, published in 1985.

And another cites a 1997 Australian study.

Austin Ruse apparently insists on perpetrating anti-gay hate with outdated falsehoods.

Sex is not the issue — although Ruse insists on making it so. Perhaps he can explain, then, why almost half of heterosexuals under 45 have anal sex, according to a CDC report?

And when it comes to sexually monogamous relationships, studies show that up to half of all first heterosexual marriages end in divorce, and large percentages heterosexual relationships are plagued with infidelity — assuming it’s not by design.

If Austin Ruse’s warnings were true, or valid, or important, don’t you think he could find supporting data from this decade — or at least the 21st century?


Image: Austin Ruse via his Twitter page

Hat tip: Right Wing Watch

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