‘Mullah In Chief’ Obama Has Made Christians ‘The New Niggers’ Says Klayman

Larry Klayman is calling President Barack Obama the “Mullah In Chief” and says that the President’s re-election has made Christians and “Americans of faith” (albeit presumably not Americans of the Muslim faith,) “the new niggers” who will be “relegated to the back of the bus,” adding, “no racial slur intended.”

Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, is the losing attorney who represented hate group leader Bradlee Dean in his failed lawsuit against MSNBC and Rachel Maddow. Dean has been ordered to pay almost $25,000 in fees related to the lawsuit he brought.

In his World Net Daily column, Klayman claims America is facing an “Egyptian-like bondage… thanks to our ‘Mullah in Chief’ and his growing voter hoards of socialists, communists, anti-Semites, anti-Christians, atheists, radical gays and lesbians, feminists, illegal immigrants, Muslims, anti-Anglo whites and others who last Tuesday cemented his destructive hold on the White House and our country.”

The bottom line is this: Americans of faith and those who believe in capitalism and hard work as the means to achieve, not “Atlas Shrugged”-portrayed government handouts, have now seen their country taken over largely by uneducated and lazy morons, goons and thugs who want to dismantle all our Founding Fathers conceived of and fought for. And, their hateful Marxist desire to destroy Western civilization is not limited to the “Great Satan,” the United States, but to its biblical Judeo-Christian roots, embodied in the nation of Israel. With no racial slur intended, but only to employ the same lingo used sarcastically by many of Obama’s supporters to describe their past plight, if we do nothing and simply look to future elections to restore the nation, we will soon become the “new niggers,” relegated to the back of the bus – as the bus speeds away to quickly fall over the fiscal, social and moral cliff. African-Americans were right when they said this years ago, and we’re now right to feel the same way today.

As if that weren’t enough, well…

This is why we need to use peaceful and powerful means to fight against the evils of our corrupt government. One of these avenues is the Citizens Grand Jury, which I, as a Citizens Prosecutor, have empaneled in Ocala, Fla. On Oct, 29, 2012, the Citizens Grand Jury, after having evidence presented to it, voted unanimously on a true bill to indict President Obama and Vice President Biden on charges of treason for their having intentionally leaked classified national security information to boost their political fortunes in the Nov. 6 elections. This month, I will be returning to Ocala to seek the indictment of Obama for his having defrauded the American people with regard to his eligibility to be president. And, after that the Citizens Grand Jury will set its sights on Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Elena Kagan for Roberts having violated his oath of office in rendering a willfully illegal ruling in the case upholding the constitutionality of Obamacare and not disqualifying Kagan, given her conflict of interest. Kagan will be indicted for violating her oath of office and refusing to recuse herself from the case as required by the Judicial Canons of Ethics.

Isn’t it time for these people to actually secede?

Brian Tashman at Right Wing Watch interprets Klayman’s ranting as in support of “Conservatives,” not Christians. Take your pick.

Klayman’s biography at his Freedom Watch notes:

Larry has been credited as being the inspiration for the Tea Party movement. (See “Larry Klayman – The One Man TEA Party,” by Dr. Richard Swier.)

Talking Points Memo included Klayman’s rant today in their look at “The 6 Most Bizarre Freakouts Over Obama’s Re-Election,” and curiously noted, “TPM decided not to include incidents where mental illness may have been a factor.”

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