‘Homosexuality Is Going to Be Responsible For The Collapse Of The Western Economy’ Says Fischer

Bryan Fischer yesterday claimed that “homosexuality in the end is going to be responsible for the collapse of the Western economy.” Fischer, the public voice of the anti-gay hate group American Family Association, decided to use the immediately-retracted comments of Harvard professor Niall Ferguson, an historian who on Friday at a finance conference made an odd, off-the cuff comment that economist John Maynard Keynes’ economic theories are flawed because he was gay.

READ: Harvard Professor Apologizes For Claiming Homosexuality At Core Of 2008 Worldwide Economic Meltdown

As The New Civil Rights Movement reported this weekend, Ferguson immediately apologized once journalist Tom Kostigen at Financial Advisor magazine reported the anti-gay comments.

Ferguson’s point, that gay people are inherently selfish because they do not have children and therefore don’t care about future generations, was widely attacked as ignorant and homophobic, and just plain false. Gay people have contributed to society since the dawn of time.

Niall Ferguson also blamed the 2008 worldwide financial meltdown on Keynesian economics, which is where Fischer entered, and, as The New Civil Rights Movement also reported, began his attack, wholly ignoring Ferguson’s “unreserved” apology and retraction of his statement, deeming it fully false.

But that of course was not sufficient for Bryan Fischer’s propensity for lying.

READ: Niall Ferguson, Here’s Why Saying Stupid Things Is Dangerous

As we predicted, Fischer used Ferguson’s retracted and false statement as the basis of an anti-gay attack.

“He was a narcissist, he was a hedonist and he was a homosexual,” Fischer told listeners, adding that “his view of history is very shortsighted, short-circuited, he cared about himself and his generation exclusively; so homosexuality in the end is going to be responsible for the collapse of the Western economy.”

Fischer also states that Keynes was gay and didn’t care about future generations, or the effects of h8s economic policies on them. Keynes also was married to a woman, and tried to have a child, but his wife, sadly, miscarried.

Fischer also ignores the fact that gay people, like Alan Turing– the British scientist — was the founder of modern day computing. Does that make computers flawed and Turning unconcerned about the future?

Sir Francis Bacon, father of empiricism, also was believed to be gay. Is the basis of the modern day scientific method flawed and is the world doomed because he was gay?

How about S. Josephine Baker, the 20th century physician believed to be lesbian, “who organized the first child hygiene department under government control in New York City. Her tenure led to the lowest infant death rate in any American or European city during the 1910’s.”

Flawed? End of western civilization?

Alexander the Great
Leonardo da Vinci

All gay.

Of course the list is huge.

Are they all responsible for the end of civilization?

Yesterday, Fischer claimed President Barack Obama is “setting up the stage to take guns away from evangelicals,” and said Christians have already been classified as “domestic terrorists.” Of course that’s a lie, but when Fischer continues to speak with such hate, one wonders why his fellow Christians don’t denounce him?


Video via Right Wing Watch

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