“Homosexuality is a very dangerous threat to anybody who believes in traditional religion.”

Earlier today I wrote, “How is it the Right continues to lower the bar for morality for its leaders, yet tries to raise the bar for ours?” A reader, via Twitter, responded: “Oh honey, that ain’t the half of it…” Since Newt has been so anti-gay on grounds of morality, I think it only fair to share with you what that reader shared with me. I do think Gail Sheehy is a legitimate source. Here’s the piece forwarded to me on Newt Gingrich’s sexual escapades.

I did some digging. Here’s the full version, via PBS’ award-winning program, Frontline: “The long march of Newt Gingrich: the inner quest of Newt Gingrich - by Gail Sheehy Vanity Fair September 1995. (You can skip ahead to page 4 for the related material.) Remember, this is the man who said, “I think that it [homosexuality] is a very dangerous threat to anybody who believes in traditional religion.” Make your own judgement.

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