‘God Invented AIDS’ Says Former GOP State Candidate, Unleashing Homophobic Tirade On Lesbian Mom

Carole Lokan-Moore, a former GOP state senate candidate for New Jersey, on Monday unleashed a homophobic tirade on a lesbian mother who merely commented on Facebook that she was “sad to see a local business” was against same-sex marriage. Lokan-Moore, who owns Camp Whitebriar, a bed and breakfast in Edgewater Park, New Jersey, posted a sign in front of the B&B stating:

Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day, Marriage One Man One Woman One God

On Camp Whitebriar’s Facebook page, Joianne Fraschilla, a lesbian mother with a small son, merely wrote:

This is somewhere my son loves to pass by and we have been excited to visit. Not anymore. I’m sad to see a local business anti LGBT marriage.

That was it. Nothing hateful. No demands. No protest. No boycott. Merely, “I’m sad.”

Carole Lokan-Moore, or someone with access to Camp Whitebriar’s Facebook page, apparently responded with a lengthy tirade which concluded with “….remember what the bible says: ‘Lay down with dogs, get up with fleas’…..guess that’s why God invented aids….”

(By the way, the Bible never said that.)

Here’s a screenshot of Carole Lokan-Moore’s full tirade on Facebook, which was subsequently deleted. Full text below.

Isn’t it wonderful Joanne Fraschilla, that you and your son can enjoy the animals here because I have a traditional marriage with a husband who works with me 90 hours a week to take care of these animals, and the summer camp….we’re 66-68years old….there were no gays or queers in our time…..if two old ladies chose to live together..so be it, let them deal with God when they get there…but to have the “face sucking” thrown in my face of two gay lesbians who are totally destroying the “normal balance in a child’s life” as you claim your son…where is the role model that your son needs to know how to act like a man? or will he only see the “one sided selfishness” of a “single parent”…and end up an out cast in society by being “gay” himself because he didn’t have a father as a role model. I’ll pray for you….remember what the bible says: “Lay down with dogs, get up with fleas”…..guess that’s why God invented aids….


In response, there are dozens of comments on Facebook supporting Joianne Fraschilla, who has started a Change.org petition asking for an apology.

Joe.My.God. and his readers did some investigating, first reporting that Lokan-Moore had run for the New Jersey senate, finding she received only 416 votes in the primary, and noting, “Lokan-Moore is a member of the NRA, a member of the Daughters Of The Confederacy (shocker), and is the president of the South Jersey B&B Association, which appears to have no web presence.”

Jeremy Hooper writes, “It’s getting really nutty out there, and NOM, FRC, AFA, HUCKABEE, PALIN, et. al are feeding right into it.”

Evan Hurst at Truth Wins Out took the time to respond, line by line, to Lokan-Moore’s tirade.

By the way, did you catch the “I have a traditional marriage” part? Heterosexual marriages didn’t used to be called “traditional marriages” until the Family Research Council and National Organization For Marriage started to call them that.

Personally, this doesn’t make me angry, it makes me sad. Carole Lokan-Moore seems to me to be a product of hate and ignorance. Her candidate page states she was an “Educator for 18 years.” She has much to learn.

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