‘Flaming Homosexuals Wearing Stilettos’ Will Apply For Jobs In Christian Bookstores If ENDA Passes Says Fischer

Bryan Fischer yesterday on his radio program threatened that “flaming homosexuals… wearing stilettos, a dress and dangly earrings” would apply for jobs in Christian bookstores if ENDA passes into law. Fischer, the public face of the certified anti-gay hate group, American Family Association, claimed “the homosexual lobby” would purposely target religious businesses, including “Christian bookstores,” if the Employment Non-Discrimination Act were passed by Congress and signed into law.

Claiming “ENDA would represent the return of Jim Crow laws” in a blog post accompanying his radio rant, Fischer ludicrously rips former GOP vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan:

Ryan today reiterated his support for ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.

This is a horrible bill for a social conservative to support since it would mean the absolute end of religious liberty and freedom of association in the marketplace. It would, in other words, gut the First Amendment. It’s shameful for Ryan, who also voted for this Constitution-shredding bill in 2007, to be so blissfully and blindly unaware of the consequences of this legislation.

These consequences would be unintended in Ryan’s case, who is simply being naive and thoughtless in his support, but such consequences are clearly intended by homosexual activists, who know that this law could and would be used relentlessly to punish and bankrupt one values-driven employer and business after another.

If ENDA goes into effect, no Christian employer could ever make a values-based personnel decision again. If a man wearing a dress, stilettos, and dangly earrings came into his Christian bookstore looking for a job and didn’t get one, the owner would be subject to a gigantic, business-ending discrimination lawsuit.

There is no reason to think that the homosexual lobby would not deliberately select values-driven businesses, and then send flamboyant homosexuals in to apply for advertised vacancies, just so they could use this law as a bludgeon to further pummel Christians into becoming the newest minority utterly deprived of their civil rights.

In fact, ENDA would represent the return of Jim Crow laws. Only now the people victimized would not be victimized based on the color of their skin but on the content of their character.

Remember when values were choices you made — like whether or not to lie, cheat, steal, support the needy, be polite — not who you love?

And, Christians “becoming the newest minority utterly deprived of their civil rights,” is offensive on its face. It is not anyone’s civil right to have the right to deprive others of their civil rights. Fischer is angry he’s losing the “right” to be a hateful anti-gay bigot with control over others.

ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, has been introduced into every Congress but one since 1994.

“In 29 states, it remains legal to fire someone because they’re lesbian, gay, or bisexual; in 34 states it’s legal to fire someone solely for being transgender,” HRC notes.

Hat tip: Right Wing Watch

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