“Family Values” PAC Robocall Calls Dem “Homosexual” 10 Times

The Campaign for Michigan Families, an anti-gay, “pro-family” political action committee, over the weekend released a hate-filled spew upon Michigan voters, calling a Democratic candidate for state representative “homosexual,” ten times, and made sure to include the words “transgender” and “lesbian” for added measure. Gary Glenn, (photo) who is the chairman of the Campaign for Michigan Families, and responsible for the anti-gay attack, is also the president of the American Family Association of Michigan.

Here’s the text of the robocall, via Huffington Post:

“Liberal Democratic lawyer and openly homosexual statehouse candidate Tony Sessoms, doesn’t share our values. Michiganliberal.com boasts that Sessoms is ‘independently wealthy, and if elected would become the first openly lesbian state representative.’ Sessoms is endorsed by the homosexual newspaper in Detroit, by Detroit’s homosexual equality Michigan PAC and by the Michigan Democratic Party homosexual and transgender caucus. Sessom’s campaign manager is the openly homosexual Central Michigan University faculty member who lost the statehouse race two years ago. Her deputy campaign manager was co-president of CMU’s homosexual student group — an openly homosexual candidate with a campaign run by homosexual activists. But, of course, in a district where voters strongly supported the marriage protection amendment none of this is disclosed on Tony Sessom’s campaign material. With homosexual activists in the Michigan Democratic Party pushing to repeal our marriage amendment, our families deserve a state representative we can trust shares our values. Not a candidate with a hidden agenda, homosexual activist agenda, not Tony Sessoms.”

No doubt there are many fair-minded and honest voters in Michigan who were turned off and upset by these hateful robocalls. We would like to talk with you — won’t you drop us an email?

By the way, the good folks of Michigan need to do all they can to send a message to the haters. Seems Michigan is allowing these haters too much leeway. Michigan is home to haters like Andrew Shirvell, and Michigan’s Oakland University is where another teenager, 19-year-old Corey Jackson, succumbed to suicide last week.

(H/T Towleroad.)

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