‘Don’t Fart And Point At The Dog’ Says Jon Stewart To John Boehner Over Shutdown

Jon Stewart last night on “The Daily Show” delivered a classic spike to John Boehner. Stewart played clips of Republicans trying to blame the shutdown on President Barack Obama and Democrats. “The party of personal responsibility ain’t taking none,” Stewart said of the GOP. The vast majority of Americans believe the Republican Party is responsible for the federal government shutdown. He demanded they at least “own it.”

So to prove that it’s the GOP’s fault that the government is shut down, Stewart played a clip of “Sniffles McGillicuddy,” as Stewart called the Speaker of the House, from Sunday’s “This Week” talking about how the GOP decided to shutdown the government.

“Did you f*cking hear that?” Stewart asks. “They had a deal, but Obamacare!” Stewart mocks. “Look. You think Obamacare’s a big enough threat to the country that you need to shut down the government over it? Fine. Own it. Don’t fart and point at the dog.”





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