‘Black, White, Latino, Asian, Gay, Straight – All Created Equal’ Promises NYC Mayor De Blasio

New York City has a new mayor. Bill de Blasio was sworn in overnight at a simple ceremony in front of his Brooklyn, NY house, and again at a larger event today at City Hall by former president Bill Clinton. Many are claiming he will be the most liberal mayor in America. Right now, America can only hope.

Mayor de Blasio today promised to lead a “city that fights injustice and inequality,” with the idea of “all created equal.”

Black, white, Latino, Asian, gay, straight, old, young, rich, middle class, and poor. A city that remembers our responsibility to each other — our common cause — is to leave no New Yorker behind. It’s a place that celebrates a very simple notion: that no matter what your story is – this is your city. Our strength is derived from you. Working together, we will make this One City. And that mission — our march toward a fairer, more just, more progressive place, our march to keep the promise of New York alive for the next generation. It begins today.

de Blasio centered his inauguration speech on the importance of family.

Like it is for so many of you, my family is my rock. Their wisdom, their compassion, and their sense of humor make each day a gift to cherish.

But, what makes today so special isn’t just my family, but our larger New York family.

And called upon the city government “to keep our neighborhoods safe; to keep our streets clean; to ensure that those who live here – and those who visit – can get where they need to go in all five boroughs.”

But he also said “we are called to put an end to economic and social inequalities that threaten to unravel the city we love. And so today, we commit to a new progressive direction in New York. And that same progressive impulse has written our city’s history. It’s in our DNA.”

The Observer has the full text of de Blasio’s speech. 

Image by Tom Lawler via Instagram

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