$4 A Gallon Gas, Obama As Commander In Chief, And The Tea Party

United We Win: Memorial Day Weekend At The New Civil Rights Movement


“Recent oil price hikes increasingly look like the result of speculation,” wrote The Washington Post last month. “Saudi oil ministry officials, worried that prices are so high that they might lower consumption, have contacted major oil companies offering additional supplies. But the firms responded that they have ample supplies.”

But imagine if instead of President Obama — as he did in the 2008 presidential campaign — suggesting Americans fill their car’s tires with air, (which actually increases gas mileage,) Obama said, “Use less hot water,” or, “Don’t leave lights burning,” (consider how crazed the Tea Party got over “green” lightbulbs,) or “Don’t demand heat 24 hours a day.” How about, “Is your trip necessary?”

Not to minimize our current overseas wars, in which so many brave men and women have fought, and some have died, but just imagine if there were a global war the scale of World War I or World War II, and President Obama were Commander in Chief. How would the Tea Party, not to mention the Republican Party, treat him, and all Democrats?

While we’re on the topic of wars, political or military, when did we stop becoming a country that was actually involved in our wars?…

In honor of John F. Kennedy, who said these words and who would have been 94 today,

“And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.

“My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.”


(Images courtesy of Northwestern University Digital Library. Top. Bottom.)

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