6th Grader Brings Gun To School, Says He Was Following Parents’ Direction After Newtown

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A sixth grade boy brought a gun to school yesterday, he says on his parents’ direction so he could protect himself after Friday’s Newtown, Connecticut massacre. The gun, a .22 caliber handgun, was unloaded.

“He reportedly took the gun out of his backpack during recess Monday afternoon and showed it to classmates. Isabel Rios, a fellow student, told teachers he pointed the gun at her head and said he was going to kill her,” Mediaite reports:

A spokesman for the school district told Fox 13 that although they were not notified immediately, teachers apprehended the student in “30 to 45 seconds” once they were alerted to the weapon. He was then taken to the principal’s office.

Local parents, however, aren’t satisfied with the school’s reaction. John Klaus, a father, complained, “There was no lockdown. No one was called. Nothing was done. And then we had to hear it from our kids.”

Editor’s note: A previous version of this article stated the gun was a rifle, based on Mediaite’s reporting, which was incorrect.

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