42% Of Americans Favor Gay Marriage

Nine Point Increase From March



Who says you can’t legislate change? April has seen gay marriage become legal in Iowa, Vermont, and Connecticut, not to mention recognition of gay marriages within the District of Columbia. Despite cries from the Right and extreme religious groups, it is, I might add, exactly as I said a few weeks ago, “attitudes are viral. The tsunami of gay marriage news over the past week (Iowa, Vermont, Washington, D.C.,) has made a lot of fence-sitters rethink their position.

So, it’s great to hear that in the most recent CBS News/New York Times poll, a full 42% of Americans support gay marriage. That’s a nine point jump from last month. Nine points is huge. But simply reinforces my point. Just as in 1967, when 70% of Americans were against marriage equality for Blacks, once marriage equality became legal, attitudes changed. Attitudes are changing, and fast.

The rest of the poll? 25% support civil unions, and 28% do not support any legal recognition for same-sex couples. Some more facts? Just as we went from 33% to 42%, the numbers the other way look good too: that 28% that don’t support legal recognition was 35% just a month ago.

So, what does this mean? Well, it does NOT mean that this is he time for gay Americans to sit back and enjoy the ride. Momuntum works both ways. Now is the time to get busy. Do something that helps people understand what we’re fighting for. Today, you’ll get support and a smile, 42% of the time.

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