3 For 3! Michelle Malkin Likes Us, She Really, Really Likes Us!



Michelle Malkin, that hate-mongering, homophobic, anti-gay, anti-gay marriage, right-wing nutjob must really, really like us. Why else would she decided to write about homosexuals EVERY DAY THIS WEEK! We must be blessed to be receiving all this attention from the woman who has been called “the most vile, hateful commentator I’ve ever met in my life” by Geraldo Rivera.

Today’s rant, “NYT celebrates anti-Prop. 8 mob” is mostly anger about the fact that the New York Times did not reference Mrs. Malkin’s post about “a Mormon waitress who quit her job after pressure from gays because she donated to help Prop 8 pass.

I truly can’t wait to wake up tomorrow and see what Michelle has in store for us! What will she say about the gays next? Stay tuned!

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